The Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University is the first major U.S. medical school to offer an elective course on Transcendental Meditation
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- 2021-01 Tony Nader, MD, PhD Psychiatry Grand Rounds
Effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation for Dissolving Stress and Promoting Health, Jan 21, 2021. Dr Nader answers questions from Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine students: Physician Wellness Through the Transcendental Meditation Technique. The Purpose of Meditation, Jan 27, 2021.
- Blog entry about Norman Rosenthal's lecture at Stritch
- Carla Brown and Gregory Gruener - Physician, Heal Thyself
Physician, Heal Thyself. Stritch School of Medicine students give new meaning to the adage Carla L. Brown, EdD, and Gregory Gruener, MD Chicago Medicine, January 2016:22-25 (Full issue is at "Students at the Stritch School of Medicine [Loyola University, Chicago] learn about the science and methodology behind the transcendental meditation technique in the first TM elective course offered at a major medical school in the United States."
- Dr. Linda Brubaker, Dean of the Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine
Dr. Linda Brubaker, Dean of the Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine
- How the TM elective began
Article about Norman Rosenthal's lecture there in 2012:
- Loyola First Medical School in Country to Offer Elective in Transcendental Meditation
Newswire, 22-Aug-2016 3:05 PM EDT Source Newsroom: Loyola University Health System Loyola, the first major medical school in the country to offer an elective course in the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique, is also beginning a new study of the effects of the TM technique on physicians. Study participants will undergo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which measures brain activity. The study is led by Murali Rao, MD, and Paolo Nucifora, MD.
- Loyola Phoenix - Stritch School of Medicine to begin accepting applications of DACA students
Stritch School of Medicine to begin accepting applications of DACA students Loyola Phoenix, September 03, 2013
- Maura Tresch - The Supporting Science
The Supporting Science. Maura Tresch, MD. Chicago Medicine, January 2016:26-27 (Full issue: "Multiple studies show the transcendental meditation technique can reduce stress, anxiety and cardiovascular disease risk" (NOTE: link is same as for "Physician, Heal Thyself", which precedes this article.)
- MDED-400 Detailed syllabus (2020-2021)
- MDED-400 detailed syllabus (pdf)
For 2017-2018 academic year.
- MDED-400 - Physician Wellness through the Transcendental Meditation Program
Course is for 2 weeks credit, spaced out over 1-2 semesters. The goal of this elective is to promote student physician wellness by providing the fundamental scientific basis and outcomes for use of the Transcendental Meditation program, while training students themselves in the art and practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. Students will attend lecture-discussions, training sessions, meditate daily, log meditation sessions, write a reflection paper and take a short exam. Grading will be pass/fail and passing all components is required to pass the elective.
- MDED-400 Student Reflection Papers
- Medical students learn meditation to counter stress, promote physician wellness
Patricia Corrigan, Catholic Health World, October 15, 2018 Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine is believed to be the first major medical school in the country to offer Transcendental Meditation, or TM, as an elective course. Since 2014, the class has been offered to help medical students manage stress.
- Research and other materials about the Transcendental Meditation technique and related information about the program at Stritch
Some overlap with other links in this folder
- Transcendental Meditation at the Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine
- WBEZ - How Loyola’s Meditating Med Students Are Transcending Stress (16 min)
How Loyola’s Meditating Med Students Are Transcending Stress, Morning Shift, WBEZ Chicago, February 24, 2016 The Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University is the first major medical school in the country to offer a class in Transcendental Meditation. We talk to course instructor Dr. Carla Brown and second-year medical student Danielle Terrell about the class, why it’s being offered, and how the students are using the TM technique to manage the stress and workload of their demanding educational program.
- WTTW - Loyola University Offers Medical Students Meditation to Combat Stress
Loyola University Offers Medical Students Meditation to Combat Stress Paul Caine and Meredith Francis, WTTW Chicago Tonight, February 25, 2016